The Exodus

As cool as it sounds, this blog is not about a mass departure of Israelites, rather a very small departure of four friends who decided to take the challenge of riding across the United States. We have less than a month until our plane leaves from Philadelphia and as we get closer to the date, this is becoming more and more a reality. The truth is, all of us are going to feel like it is not actually happening, only because of the long period of waiting we have all done prior to the flight. There was much to be done in preparation for this, and so far it has been a success. The reality of our success will be shown on the road. Until then, we wait.

I have to give a lot of the credit to Joanna for planning this entire trip and working hard to make it a reality. She has done so much of the grunt work that the rest of us (or at least me) sometimes feel like I had little to do with making this work out... However, I know that the time will come for us to pull our weight, literally with everything we are carrying.

From the beginning of the trip, we knew that we would have to work hard to make this possible in time for graduation. As things are coming together, we are understanding that it makes things a lot easier when you plan months ahead of time and work the kinks out sooner, rather than later. Personally, I have found that being in different locations, makes it difficult to get everything right, though with today’s technology for communicating, we are doing a pretty good job at keeping in touch with our teammates. I’m sure I can speak for the rest of them when I say that the anxiety is starting to kick in that we are leaving in less than a month. Though there is still work to be done, we have checked off much of our list as to what needs done. I know Joanna and Tim just got their bikes back from the shop in PA, mine is currently at Hollyloft, here in Jamestown, and honestly I am not sure about Judith, but she does a lot of adventuring so I think she is ready to go. As the month comes to a close, we are planning for a “test ride” at the beginning of May to make sure we all know what we are doing and to make sure everyone is ready to go for this in the coming weeks.

When I was talking about this trip to a non-traveler (as in someone not going with us) they were telling me how it’s really going to hit us “in the first few pedal strokes” of the trip. We have a long journey, over 2,600 miles, ahead of us and regardless of how tired we are or what happens, there will always be something to look forward to; the end. We all know that cliche “it’s not the destination, but the journey”, well, it will definitely be something to say that we finished it.

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Oh, and I will not be naming my next post “The Leviticus”, as we do not have a list of laws to follow on this trip. Though we may have a lot of handy tips to offer the next group who sets off on a journey such as this. Best of luck, and ride on.
